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Friday, December 27, 2024

Venus Squares Uranus, Moves into Pisces, Chiron Stations Direct and a New Moon in Capricorn


The year 2024 is finally coming to an end and December holds the distinction of featuring two New Moons.  The first one occurred on December 1 in 9 degrees of Sagittarius and the second one falls on December 30 in 9 degrees of Capricorn.  This earns the moniker of a Black Moon.  I confess that when I posted my December monthly horoscopes I completely left out that New Moon, but it will be addressed in January 2025 horoscopes.

But before we get to the New Moon in Capricorn, we have two major astrological events.  Venus in Aquarius is exactly squaring Uranus in 23 degrees of Taurus on December 28.  Venus squaring Uranus can trigger sudden attractions to a completely different kind of person, but mainly it can bring about an intense need for freedom and space in relationships.  There could be some break-ups as a result.  Since Venus is also associated with money, it can be responsible for some major impulse spending too.  And let's face it, tis the season for post-holiday sales...

On December 29, Chiron will station direct in 19 degrees of Aries after being retrograde since July 26, 2024 in 23 degrees of Aries.  When Chiron is retrograde, we tend to reflect on past pain and unresolved issues.  I encourage you to examine where 19-23 degrees of Aries falls in your chart or have a consultation with me.  It's important to remember that pivotal events are likely to occur when a planet stations either direct or retrograde, magnifying its power.  

Chiron in Aries pertains to wounds related to independence and self-assertion.  When Chiron stations direct, we can feel more heroic and feel freer to move forward.  I am a big believer in the power of Chiron to heal because I have Chiron in Capricorn in my 4th house as part of a cardinal T-square; it opposes my natal Jupiter and Uranus in Cancer and squares my Neptune in Libra.  I can honestly say that having Pluto in Capricorn on my natal Chiron was an extremely intense transit and now Chiron in Aries is squaring my natal Chiron, so the healing process is by no means over.  I will be feeling it through May 2025.

The New Moon in 9 degrees of Capricorn happens on December 30, which can be a perfect time to set those New Year's resolutions and build a new reality.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is associated with achievement, security and practicality.  We also have a mutable T-square involving Mercury in 18 degrees of Sagittarius opposing Jupiter in 13 degrees of Gemini with both planets squaring Saturn in 14 degrees of Pisces.  The theme of this configuration is that our belief systems will probably be tested and we need to guard against being too rigid.  But this New Moon is also forming a supportive sextile to Saturn in Pisces, so there will be opportunities presented to us so we should act on them.  And Mars in 2 degrees of Leo is trining the North Node in 1 degree of Aries, which has an energizing effect on new beginnings.  The New Moon is conjunct my North Node in Capricorn in my 3rd house, which should be quite interesting...

On January 2, Venus moves into its happy place of Pisces.  Venus is exalted in Pisces.  Venus in Pisces is more compassionate and empathetic.  It can be a very spiritual and creative time as well.  There is the potential for emotional highs and lows when Venus is in Pisces.  The shadow side of Venus in Pisces is a tendency to become a victim or be gullible in relationships or with finances.  Just be careful to set some boundaries and we should be able to enjoy this transit.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2025.

I would also like to announce that I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is

If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:

 A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.

Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. December horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:

If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:

I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. The newest vaccine is available and I encourage you to get it to protect yourself. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 








Friday, December 20, 2024

The Sun Enters Capricorn, Jupiter Squares Saturn and Mercury Opposes Jupiter


As the year 2024 begins winding down, we still have more changes coming down the pike.  On December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn for the Winter Solstice. When the Sun is in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, we are more responsible, mature and productive.  Ambition rules and we want results as achievement is uppermost on our minds. We are more disciplined when the Sun is in the Saturn ruled sign of Capricorn because this is definitely time of reality checks.  It fits right in with the concept of setting New Years' resolutions.

Jupiter in Gemini will be exactly squaring Saturn in 14 degrees of Pisces on December 24.  This is not the merriest aspect to occur on Christmas Eve, but the bottom line is that we have been dealing with the Jupiter-Saturn square since last summer, when it was exact in 17 degrees of Gemini and Pisces on August 19. Saturn was retrograde back in August and Jupiter was direct.  Now Saturn is direct and Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini until February 4, 2025 when it stations direct in 11 degrees of Gemini.  Jupiter represents expansion and growth while Saturn is all about responsibility and structure.  It's kind of like a meetup between Santa Claus and the Grinch on Christmas Eve, so there is bound to be some frustration.  Jupiter wants an adventure while Saturn craves security and safety.  Are you bored and restless or craving stability?  This will tell you which of these two planets that you are more tuned into.

Jupiter is exactly conjunct my Moon in Gemini in the 8th on December 24, but during the opening square in August, Jupiter was in my 9th house and I was dealing with some legal issues.  I can't exactly say that I am overjoyed or in the money with Jupiter back in my 8th house, so it remains to see how this will play out.  

I can surmise that we will all be contemplating decisions that will affect us for the next 5-6 years.  The Jupiter-Saturn square also marks a turning point for the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 0 degrees of Aquarius that happened on December 21, 2020. And we have a third Jupiter-Saturn square coming up on June 15, 2025.  Only this time Jupiter will be in 1 degree of Cancer while Saturn will be in 1 degree of Aries.  This could have a slightly different flavor in the cardinal signs; perhaps we will finally be able to implement the choices that we have been contemplating because cardinal signs are renowned for their ability to initiate.  And Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, which can be very helpful.  So perhaps the third time will be the charm...

On December 25, the Sun in Capricorn will be inconjunct retrograde Mars in 3 degrees of Leo.  This will create some tension and imbalance accompanied by the urge to take some action which can clash with the need to maintain a stable sense of self.  Obviously some adjustment and compromise will be required to make this a Merry Christmas.  The Moon moves into Scorpio on Christmas and squares off with Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius during the morning, but by noon the Moon in Scorpio is forming a supportive sextile with the Sun in Capricorn.  So while we might wake up a little cranky and emotionally charged, by the afternoon, we have the opportunity to make things right and experience a Merry Christmas...

Mercury in Sagittarius will be opposing Jupiter in 14 degrees of Gemini on December 26. Under the auspices of this mutable aspect, we need to be mindful of the tendency to skip the details or believe that we can handle more than we are actually capable of accomplishing.  This can be a day when we question our beliefs.  Just remember that exaggeration is a key theme of Mercury opposing Jupiter.  

I just want to wish all of my readers a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza or Boxing Day.  Enjoy your holiday however you choose to celebrate it.

I would also like to announce that I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is

If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:

 A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.

Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. December horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:

If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:

I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. The newest vaccine is available and I encourage you to get it to protect yourself. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 








Friday, December 13, 2024

A Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury Goes Direct in Sagittarius


Mark the day of December 15 on your calendar, folks.  There are two major astrological events occurring on this day.  We have a Full Moon in 23 degrees of Gemini at 4:02 a.m. and Mercury goes direct in 6 degrees of Sagittarius at 3:56 p.m.  Ironically, Mercury started the year 2024 retrograde in Sagittarius and stationed direct in 22 degrees of Sagittarius on January 1, which was the degree it stationed retrograde on November 25, 2024.

A Full Moon in Gemini is going to give us lots to think about because Gemini loves to learn, think and talk.  Communication is its thing and big reveals are possible. But this Full Moon is squaring Neptune in 27 degrees of Pisces, so we could wind up feeling confused or inspired. Or maybe a little bit of both. The Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini are involved in a mutable T-square with Neptune in Pisces. This pretty much guarantees a great deal of mental stress on December 15.  We can be overly influenced by the opinion of others.  This is what I call a mutable mash because in addition to the mutable T-square involving the Sun, Moon and Neptune, we also have Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini.  We can quite literally be emotionally all over the place and feeling rather unstable.  The mutable signs are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, so if you have any planets between 23 and 27 degrees of these signs, you will really feel this Full Moon big-time.  The saving grace of mutable signs is that they are adaptable and can go with the flow, so count on this to get you through the day.

Don't be surprised if this Full Moon in Gemini feels like an information overload.  Jupiter in Gemini loves to expand whatever it touches, and in this case it is information.  It can difficult to discern the truth with this mutable T-square.  The Sun in Sagittarius is also forming an irritating inconjunct to Uranus in 24 degrees of Taurus, which will increase our need for freedom and authenticity.  It is a very rebellious vibe.  Neptune in Pisces is a heavy hitter in this Full Moon too.  It can generate more compassion as well as confusion. But the perk of Neptune in Pisces during this Full Moon is that we should pay attention to our dreams and our intuition.  Neptune in 27 degrees of Pisces is also widely conjunct the North Node in 2 degrees of Aries, which can help us make our dreams a reality if we make the effort.

Mercury will station direct in 6 degrees of Sagittarius on December 15 and it will be trining Mars in 5 degrees of Leo. Mars is retrograde, which occurs every two years.  Mercury trining Mars is an energizing influence and can deliver urges for adventure, a vacation and just plain escapism.  I don't know about you, but I am very happy that Mercury is finally going direct.  Of course, when a planet stations, either direct or retrograde, its power is magnified.  So we can pretty much expect a great deal of news to be circulating on this day.  And keep in mind that while Mercury is officially direct, it doesn't clear its retrograde shadow until January 2, 2025 when it hits 22 degrees of Sagittarius.  I am beginning to wonder what the significance of 22 degrees of Sagittarius is to the year 2024.  I mean, we began the year in that degree.  I don't personally have anything aspected, but it might be very interesting if anyone reading this had planets in the mutable signs around 22 degrees.  Food for thought...

On December 19, we have a really delightful aspect that fosters the holiday spirit.  Venus in Aquarius is exactly trining Jupiter in 14 degrees of Gemini.  Jupiter is conjunct my Moon in Gemini in the 8th house, so I wonder what it will have in store for me. The trine between Venus and Jupiter (known as the benefics) has themes of optimism, good cheer and love.  It emphasizes socializing, can mend relationships and is quite favorable for shopping.  So take advantage of this day and use it wisely to purchase any gifts that you need to or attend a party. 

I would also like to announce that I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is

If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:

 A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.

Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. December horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:

If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:

I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. The newest vaccine is available and I encourage you to get it to protect yourself. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 








Friday, December 6, 2024

Mars Retrograde, Venus Enters Aquarius and Neptune Goes Direct in Pisces


We have yet another week of heavy astrological action ahead of us.  On December 6, Mars stations retrograde in 6 degrees of Leo.  Mars is retrograde approximately every two years, and we can expect delays in our progress towards our goals and desires when it occurs.  Mars retrograde can also deplete our physical energy. The last time that Mars was retrograde occurred from October 30, 2022 through January 12, 2023 and it was in Gemini the whole time. I remember that period well because I contracted COVID for the second time on October 31, 2022.

This Mars retrograde will be a bit more complicated because it starts out in Leo, but moves back into Cancer on January 6, 2025 before it stations direct in 17 degrees of Cancer on February 22, 2025.  It doesn't help matters that we are undergoing a Mercury retrograde at the same time. When Mars is retrograde, we need to review and reassess our relationship with aggression and drive.  Frustration abounds as we are confronted with all of those things that have been aggravating us recently.  Like it or not, we need to surrender to the moment and accept that progress is not going to happen on our timetable.  Mars is more comfortable in the fixed fire sign of Leo, but it will be opposing Pluto in 1 degree of Aquarius on January 3, 2025, which can set the stage for some ego clashes, power struggles and obstacles.  Mars will be in Cancer from January 6, 2025 through April 18, 2025.  Mars was previously in Cancer from September 4, 2024 through November 3, 2024, so don't be surprised if issues from that period resurface.  Simmering emotional resentments are common when Mars is in Cancer, as is passive-aggressive behavior.  Mars is not a happy camper in the cardinal water sign of Cancer and could be described as a whiny warrior.  Family issues could set us off while Mars is retrograde in Cancer, so try to use this transit constructively to set healthier boundaries with relatives.  And it goes without saying that anyone with Aries rising or Sun will feel the brunt of this Mars retrograde because Mars rules Aries.  The same can be said for Scorpio rising and Sun too because Mars was considered the ruler of Scorpio until Pluto was discovered in 1930.  Mars is still very closely associated with the sign of Scorpio.

On December 7, we have two more major astrological events.  Venus enters Aquarius at 1:13 a.m. and Neptune stations direct in 27 degrees of Pisces at 6:43 p.m.  When Venus is in Aquarius, we are drawn to more unconventional relationships and crave freedom of expression.  Friends can become lovers and there is an air of emotional detachment present.  Venus will also be conjuncting Pluto in Aquarius on the 7th, so don't be surprised if the urge for an intense conjunction is stronger, but be mindful not to be too possessive, jealous or obsessive.  Then Venus in Aquarius will be opposing Mars in 6 degrees of Leo on December 12, which can increase the level of sexual tension and physical desires.  If you don't have a sexual partner, try to release the tension through exercise or creative endeavors.  Venus will be in Aquarius until January 2, 2025.

Neptune has been retrograde in Pisces since July 2, 2024 and when it stations direct it is time to allow compassion and selflessness out into the world.  But there could be even more confusion and a desire for escapism. That is the way Neptune in Pisces rolls.  Whenever a planet stations, either direct or retrograde, its power is magnified.  And since Neptune has such a nebulous quality, you never know if it will manifest as confusion or the higher levels of spirituality.  It should be interesting...

I would also like to announce that I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is

If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:

 A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.

Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. December horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:

If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:

I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. The newest vaccine is available and I encourage you to get it to protect yourself. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 








Friday, November 29, 2024

The Month of December Kicks off with an Invigorating New Moon in Sagittarius


On December 1, we have a New Moon in 9 degrees of Sagittarius.  New Moons are all about fresh starts and the themes associated with a New Moon in Sagittarius include inspiration, learning, adventure and seeking truth.  We literally have the opportunity to stretch out of our comfort zone and expand our horizons.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is squaring Saturn in 12 degrees of Pisces.  This will provide the opportunity to ground our dreams into reality and blend our spiritual insight with practical action.  We will also get a jolt of creativity, confidence and energy when the New Moon in 9 degrees of Sagittarius trines Mars in 5 degrees of Leo.  Mars is slowing down for its retrograde transit that begins on December 6.  

The Moon also conjuncts newly retrograde Mercury in 20 degrees of Sagittarius, which can emphasize sensitive and changeable emotions, especially since it occurs in a mutable fire sign.  So be on the lookout for mood swings and high intuition.  The New Moon in Sagittarius will also be opposing Jupiter in 17 degrees of Gemini, which is also opposing Mercury in 20 degrees of Sagittarius and squaring Saturn in 12 degrees of Pisces. This can contribute to a feeling of stop and start, because Jupiter, which loves to expand and grow is at odds with Saturn, which is more constrictive by nature. So we can expect a massive overload of opinions and ideas to be circulating on this day.  The square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces has been a presence in the astrological weather since August 19 when it was exact in 17 degrees and it will be exact again on December 24 in 14 degrees.  The third and final exact square will occur on June 15, 2025 when Jupiter is in 1 degree of Cancer and Saturn is in 1 degree of Aries. The bottom line with this aspect is that it causes frustration and we need to slow down because progress is just not happening as fast as we would like it to.

Venus in Capricorn will be trining Uranus in 24 degrees of Taurus on December 2 and this will bring the urge to try something new in our lives, either in love or finances.  It can be very beneficial for socializing and creative endeavors.  The main thing to remember is to expect the unexpected.  Venus trining Uranus can also be the impetus for scoring some good deals in shopping.  I have a natal Venus-Uranus trine in water signs (Scorpio and Cancer), so I can attest that it is a pretty sweet aspect.

On December 4, the Sun in Sagittarius will be squaring Saturn in 13 degrees of Pisces.  This aspect is not so much fun, as it will bring tests, challenges as well as a tendency towards pessimism and depression.  It truly is a test of character and we need to be patient, determined and hunker down to work hard.

The Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Sagittarius on December 5.  This will highlight communication and short distance travel despite being in the crosshairs of Mercury retrograde.  We can still feel free to share ideas and meet new people, but realize that those ideas could be up for review when Mercury goes direct on December 15.

I would also like to announce that I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is

If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:

 A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.

Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. December horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:

If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:

I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. The newest vaccine is available and I encourage you to get it to protect yourself. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 








Friday, November 22, 2024

Relationships Get a Boost as Venus Sextiles Saturn, Mercury Retrogrades in Sagittarius and a Boost of Energy with the Sun Trining Mars


The season of Sagittarius is upon us, Pluto is permanently in Aquarius for the next 20 years and we have yet another Mercury retrograde looming in Sagittarius on November 25 just in time for the holidays.  But first we have a really positive aspect in store on November 22.  Venus in Capricorn is forming a supportive sextile to Saturn (FINALLY direct as of November 15) in 12 degrees of Pisces.

What can we expect when Venus is sextiling Saturn?  For starters, it increases our need for companionship and fosters stability in relationships.  It gives us a common-sense approach and resolutions to recent difficulties are easier to find.  Mutual understanding is possible as we experience more clarity in addition to the ability to establish boundaries and foundations.  Since Venus also rules finances in addition to love, this is also a fortuitous day for business dealings, purchases and creative endeavors.  It's a perfect segue into the weekend, so enjoy it.

Mercury retrograde officially starts on November 25 in 22 degrees of Sagittarius and officially ends on December 15 in 6 degrees of Sagittarius.  I use the word officially because we need to realize that the shadow period began on November 7 and the shadow will end on January 2, 2025.  Mercury is not that comfortable in Sagittarius; it's actually considered to be in detriment because Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.  Mercury in Sagittarius can be extremely blunt.  Mercury in Sagittarius will definitely travel heavily and it can cause us to rethink our plans and ideals.  It could also affect our Thanksgiving dinner table talk; don't say that I didn't warn you... Another potential manifestation of this Mercury retrograde is that we might need to insure and track whatever gifts that we send.  Then there are the usual Mercury retrograde effects: missed connections, delays in travel, misunderstandings and electronic malfunctions.  There is one bright spot during this Mercury retrograde: the Sun and Mercury are conjunct or Cazimi on December in 14 degrees of Sagittarius.  This might actually bring us some sharp focus on the lessons of this particular Mercury retrograde.  It goes without saying that while everyone feels Mercury retrograde to some extent, anyone with planets in 6 to 22 degrees of the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will bear the brunt of it.  I can't wait for it to hit my Moon in 14 degrees of Gemini!

We do have another delightful aspect to be grateful for in the coming week.  On November 27, the Sun in Sagittarius will be trining Mars in 5 degrees of Leo.  This aspect provides a burst of energy and a strong urge to take action.  It literally supports decisive action and pursuit of our passions with confidence.  It also boosts our self-confidence and enthusiasm.  We can make an excellent impression on others.  Enjoy this day and make the most of it.  

I would like to wish my American readers a Happy Thanksgiving on November 28 but be mindful that it could be intense because the Moon is in Scorpio on that day and it is squaring Mars in Leo....

I would also like to announce that I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is

If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:

 A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.

Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. November horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:

If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:

I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. The newest vaccine is available and I encourage you to get it to protect yourself. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!