Well, we are officially launched in the month that virtually every astrologer on the planet is touting as the most momentous of 2025. And aside from Venus stationing retrograde in Aries on March 1, the action has yet to begin. The first week in March has been described as the calm before the storm, but many of us (myself included) are already feeling the stirrings of something BIG about to happen.
On March 8, the Sun in Pisces is trining Mars in 17 degrees of Cancer. So far, so good. Trines are easy, flowing aspects. When the Sun trines Mars, we have more physical vitality, confidence, courage and our intuition is strong. We can take action based on a better understanding of our motivations. We also have more charm, charisma and sex appeal, so make the most of your weekend.
Mercury and Venus are conjunct in 9 degrees of Aries on March 11. When these two planets hook up, it tends to bring people together as it is easier to communicate feelings and it encourages cooperation. It is a very social vibe. It is also a boon for creativity and signing contracts. Money could be coming our way too. Personally, I think it is quite significant that the conjunction in 9 degrees of Aries is the same degree of the Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29. I would encourage all of us to pay attention to what transpires on this day because that eclipse at the end of March could trigger something from day. Just saying...
The intensity picks up on March 12 when the Sun and Saturn are conjunct in 22 degrees of Pisces. This is definitely not a lightweight aspect. I have a natal Sun-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, so I am all too familiar with this one. The themes of a Sun-Saturn conjunction include hard work, discipline, and patience. Extra responsibilities could be thrust upon us. There is also the potential for distance and coldness in relationships. It can be quite difficult to express our feelings and structures need attention.
And on March 14, 2025, we have our first eclipse of the year. Yes, eclipse season is here in full force. It is quite literally a doozy. It is a total Lunar Eclipse in 23 degrees of Virgo. It is a South Node eclipse to boot, adding even more karmic punch. There can be themes of endings and health issues because Virgo is a sign associated with healing. I think it has become quite evident that many souls have decided to leave the planet recently and this will probably continue under the auspices of this eclipse. Service to others and becoming more productive are also part of this package. Lunar Eclipses are like Full Moons on steroids and their effects can be felt for up to six weeks before and after the exact date. It is time to release old patterns and the past. But we also need to be mindful not to get so hung up on perfectionism, which Virgo tends to embrace.
As you can see from the chart of the eclipse, we have a pile up of planets in Pisces and Aries, a theme that will continue for some time. On the eclipse, the Sun in Pisces will be forming a supportive sextile to Uranus in 24 degrees of Taurus. This indicates that it will be easier to implement the changes that are needed. And the Moon in Virgo is trining Uranus in Taurus, so we can feel good about trusting our instincts regarding these changes. But the Moon in Virgo is also opposing Saturn in 22 degrees of Pisces, as well as Neptune in 29 degrees of Pisces. These oppositions increase the potential for emotional sensitivity and misunderstandings, as well as a tendency to overidealize others. The Virgo Moon opposing Saturn can bring on feelings of depression, loneliness, guilt or being burdened with responsibilities.
I would also tell anyone who has a planet in 23 degrees of any sign that you will be profoundly affected by this eclipse. I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that everyone is going to feel this eclipse, but that 23 degrees is a real trigger point. The thing with eclipses is that one can never totally say how it will play out and it probably won't kick in on that exact day, but look to the time frame of six weeks before and after with a Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse falls in my 12th house, so it's bound to release some karma and stir my subconscious. And yes, I have my Juno in 23 degrees of Libra, so it's a pretty safe bet to say that my marriage could be undergoing some profound changes.
I am no longer posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), but I am posting daily on Blue Sky Social as danceofphoenix@danceofphoenix.bsky.social. There is an astrological community starting there called AstroSphere. The link is https://bsky.app/profile/danceofphoenix.bsky.social.
If you are curious as to how all of this planetary action is affecting you, especially during eclipse season, please consider getting an astrological consultation with me. I offer consultations on Zoom too. Check out my menu of services at:
I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. Please feel free to contact me at lindasim54@gmail.com if you are interested in learning more about astrology.
I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget. I also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15.
My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Blue Sky Social at:
A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7. Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.
Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone. I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols. A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.
I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site. In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at lindasim54@gmail.com. Just let me know which type of consultation you want with your birth date info. Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.
In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. March horoscopes are up now and I have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie. Check it out at:
I have also joined Facebook. I don’t post as frequently as on Blue Sky Social, but I am on Facebook now at https://www.facebook.com/linda.simons.75098
For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:
The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client. I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at lindasim54@gmail.com or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number 617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:
If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at: