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Friday, October 15, 2021

Mercury and Jupiter Station Direct and an Action-Packed Full Moon in Aries


Save the day of October 18 because two more planets will be leaving the retrograde posse that has been our way of life since late April.  Pluto stationed direct in 24 degrees of Capricorn on October 6 and Saturn stationed direct in 6 degrees of Aquarius on October 10.  On that day I tweeted:

I think that it is a pretty safe bet to say that most people will be absolutely ecstatic when Mercury stations direct in 10 degrees of Libra on October 18.  Mercury has been officially retrograde since September 26, but many of us felt its influence since it entered its retrograde shadow period on the 7th of September.  I can personally attest to the fact that it has been a grueling Mercury retrograde, where everything that could go wrong did. Retrograde Mercury in Libra did no favors to relationships. Communication, transportation and our electronic devices should start to see major improvements now.  Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow on November 2, but at least now there is light at the end of the tunnel. And there is hope that we will be better equipped to get on the same page on the many issues that are dividing us.

Speaking of hope, we also have Jupiter stationing direct in 22 degrees of Aquarius on October 18.  Jupiter has been retrograde since June 20, when it stationed retrograde in 2 degrees of Pisces.  If you are missing that Jupiter in Pisces vibe, don’t fret because Jupiter will re-enter Pisces on December 28, 2021.  With Jupiter being direct, we can look forward to growth, expansion and more freedom.  This will be a very happy day, made even more so by the fact that Mars in Libra will also be trining Jupiter in Aquarius.  Feel free to act on your intentions to make your dreams come true on this day.

On October 20, we have a Full Moon in 27 degrees of Aries.  The Full Moon in Aries is frequently referred to as the Harvest Moon and this one will be ending a cycle that began on the New Moon in Aries of April 11 in 22 degrees of Aries.  Try to remember if you started anything new back in April and if so, you should be ready to complete that endeavor now and reap your own personal harvest.  The Full Moon in Aries is squaring Pluto in Capricorn, which can contribute to a sense of rebirth as we feel that things are coming together. The Moon is also opposing Mars in Libra, so it ups the energy level but can make us prone to heightened emotions and outbursts.  There is a great deal of cardinal energy involved with this Full Moon, as the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Mars are in Libra, the Moon is in Aries and Pluto is in Capricorn.  This all adds up to action and let’s face it, cardinal signs love to initiate action.  The Sun in Libra is also trining Jupiter in Aquarius, which adds to the theme of expanding your visions for the future.  The Moon in Aries is also forming a supportive sextile to Jupiter, which is extremely beneficial. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if there were some serious economic implications globally as a result of this Full Moon.  I was watching Pam Gregory earlier this week and I loved what she had to say about putting your energy into what you want to create for the future, and not wasting it by pouring your energy into life support of the old system.

There will definitely be combative energy with this Full Moon because Aries is ruled by Mars, and Mars is in opposition to the Moon.  Don’t count Pluto in Capricorn out of the Full Moon equation either because it is squaring the Full Moon, so we could see some elimination of old structures accompanied by intense protests, upsets and extreme emotions. Obviously, anyone with planets in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel this Full Moon more intensely.  There goes my cardinal T-Square involving my Neptune in 26 degrees of Libra, Uranus in 27 degrees of Cancer, Jupiter in 29 degrees of Cancer and Chiron in 24 degrees of Capricorn.  The only cardinal energy I don’t have in my chart is Aries, and this Full Moon in Aries will be very busy triggering my cardinal placements.  I might be in line for some kind of epiphany, especially with its opposition to my natal Neptune in Libra.

If you are curious about how all of these planetary changes will be affecting you personally, please consider getting an astrological reading. These are very challenging and unique times; an astrological reading could provide some much needed clarity and guidance. I have recently added a new offering to my astrological services menu.  As an astrologer and a healer, I am delighted to be able to include a Health and Wellbeing Report that provides a focus on health related matters in the natal chart and offers nutritional advice and stress management tips.  Who couldn’t use that these days?

Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30 minute astrology consultation with a one question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budget.

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Twitter at:


A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.


Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24 card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

Dance of the Phoenix is now on Patreon.  If you have been inspired or informed by my work which is a labor of love, I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider contributing any amount that you can afford to support my endeavors.  No amount is too small.  Thank you all for reading my insights, musings and content. You can find me at:


I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of reading you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

Recently, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. October horoscopes are up now and I now have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I also have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscopes4u under Dance of the Phoenix.

I recently joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Twitter, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:


The coronavirus outbreak is causing me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people are concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice in order to practice social distancing. I no longer have my Brookline office, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number

617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:


If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:


Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for my daily astrological insights.


I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, maintaining social distancing, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine. If you are eligible for a booster shot, get it. The Delta strain of the virus is very serious and we need to remain vigilant with our masks, even if we are fully vaccinated.  I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!  

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