Neptune in Pisces began trining Mercury in Scorpio on November 9, 2013 when both of these retrograde planets were at 3 degrees of their respective signs. Mercury went direct on November 10th and Neptune went direct on November 13th, so we had another chance to experience this energy. Stationary Neptune can cause leaks in your boundaries, though, so there was a flip side to this change in direction. Mercury had only been retrograde since October 21st, but Neptune had been retrograde in its home sign of Pisces since June 7th. I have my natal Mercury in 0 degrees of Scorpio and can personally attest to the full effects of this transit. I also have my Neptune in 26 degrees of Libra conjunct my Libra ascendant and Mercury and have always considered myself to be very Neptunian. True to my Neptunian nature, I have always experienced difficulty in setting boundaries, although I have been more mindful of that issue in recent years.
What are the themes of this transit? Neptune trining Mercury can give us answers
without much effort because problems can be solved intuitively and naturally. It is also an excellent time to connect with
what appeals to you. Neptune, especially
in the dreamy sign of Pisces, is also about compassion and with it trining
Mercury, it is high time to express that compassion towards others. Let the healing begin as Neptune moves
forward. The themes of surrendering and letting go are strong, but we need to
guard against being too lazy. Feelings
of spaciness and confusion are also common with this transit. Neptune is all
about the transcendent nature of reality, dreams, delusions, surrender, and
redemption. Neptune also pertains to
dissolving our reality, our ego and sense of duty and responsibility. But Neptune has a way of dissolving
psychological boundaries through the vehicles of confusion and ambivalence,
thereby allowing us to float beyond our perceived limitations. Sometimes you
just can’t see the road ahead or, more frequently, you just see what you want
to see, courtesy of Neptune.
Neptune retrograde allows us to access our feelings through
heightened sensitivity. Dreams can be
more vivid and intense, while at the same time creativity may flourish. The wisest course of action during Neptune
retrograde is to listen to that inner voice and heed that heightened
sensitivity. Intuition is stronger than
usual during Neptune retrograde. If you get a strong hunch, pay close attention
to it or you could have serious regrets when Neptune goes direct. But Neptune stationary retrograde, which
occurred on November 13th, still tends to have a very surreal, foggy
aura. The fog may not quite have fully
lifted even though Neptune is moving forward.
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio afforded us the opportunity to
do the research so that we could make our dreams a reality. I have certainly had ample opportunity to
access my dreams, surrender and heal since last June when Neptune went
retrograde. And Mercury retrograde was
definitely an opportune time for me to keep investigating ways to make my
business grow.
On November 13th I went to see a dermatologist
about the mole I had discovered on my back.
The doctor removed it and another mole on my back. He said that he would do a biopsy on it and
assured me that he would have a good report for me next week. As an astrologer, I can’t help thinking how
this played out the energy of Neptune trining Mercury. Neptune can also rule mysterious, sudden
ailments and with Mercury in Scorpio there would be some research done on that
suspicious mole that seemed to just spring up a few weeks ago.
Another way the Neptune trining Mercury transit has played
out for me is by learning about more free opportunities to advertise my
services. I could continue spreading the
word (Mercury) about my spiritual beliefs and services (Neptune) without having
to expend enormous amounts of money. I
couldn’t ask for a better manifestation of that transit's energy.
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