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Friday, September 12, 2014

Mars Moves into Fiery Sagittarius

Mars moves out of the deep emotional waters of Scorpio and into the fire sign of Sagittarius on September 13th. Mars has not been in the sign of Sagittarius since October and November of 2012, in big part due to Mars' extended retrograde in the sign of Libra earlier this year.

Mars in Sagittarius brings spontaneity, encourages us to make changes and inspires courage and boldness. It seeks higher ground and desires to walk the path beyond our shadows and fears, which was definitely the territory of Mars in Scorpio. Mars in Sagittarius represents more of a fire mist that guides us on to the path of wisdom. There is a discernible difference in the energy between Mars in Scorpio and Mars in Sagittarius, as we shall soon see.

Michael Lutin's Daily Fix on September 10th and 11th alluded to this shift in energy when he wrote: "You move on. Leave the shadow in the shadows. You get up. You move on. Exit stage left." I was so inspired by this that I tweeted on September 10th:

"Digging what Michael Lutin has to say today about moving on and leaving the shadow behind."

Personally, I find it very fitting that Mars moves into Sagittarius, the sign of higher learning, during the month of September. September is when many head back to school to pursue their studies and learn new things.  I have always regarded September as the beginning of the new year, not January. The crisp fall air always invigorates and renews me. I did work in academia for 23 years, but I tend to attribute my regard for September as the beginning of the new year to being a Scorpio. I sense that Mars in Sagittarius will be a time of spiritual quest for many of us during its sojourn through that sign, which ends on October 26th. Mars will be in the sign of Sagittarius during these two pivotal October eclipses: the lunar eclipse in 15 degrees of Aries on October 8th and the solar eclipse in 0 degrees of Scorpio on October 23rd. Mars in Sagittarius will be trining that full moon, falling in my third house and sextiling my ascendant, so I have no doubt that it will be an interesting time for me, to say the least. Communication should be highlighted with Mars in Sagittarius will guide us in our pursuit of the truth.

Also on September 13th Mercury in Libra will activate the Uranus Pluto square by opposing Uranus in Aries and squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Let's hope that the best case scenario plays out with rational thinking and diplomacy prevailing. The next day, September 14th, sees Mercury slip into its shadow phase of the upcoming Mercury retrograde. Mercury is officially retrograde from October 4th through October 25th, starting at 2 degrees of Scorpio and ending at 17 degrees of Libra. But be forewarned that Mercury's shadow period does not officially end until November 10th, so be wary of making major purchases or signing papers until we are safely out of Mercury's shadow. Enough said. The upcoming Mercury retrograde will conjunct my Mercury, Neptune, Juno and ascendant, so it should be memorable, to say the least.

If you are feeling confused during these challenging times and curious as to how Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Chiron or the Black Moon Lilith are affecting you, please consider getting an astrological reading to obtain more insight and assistance in the healing process. Check out my services page on this site at:

To celebrate the spirit of  Mars moving into Sagittarius, I am offering a special on my tarot readings.  Recently some of my clients have been requesting shorter, one or two question tarot readings over my general astrological spread which covers all the issues pertaining to the 12 houses of the horoscope. They want answers to specific answers, so I am offering one or two question telephone readings for $15 and $25. You can check out the details at:

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for my daily astrological insights at:

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