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Friday, October 10, 2014

Fly the Kite

As we all sit back and process the effects of the recent lunar eclipse in Aries on October 8th, I am finding myself deeply inspired by Pam Younghans' NorthPoint Journal. I know that many of us have dreaded and feared this eclipse (myself included), but Pam Younghans’ weekly journal managed to inject a ray of hope by pointing out that in addition to the eclipse, we also experienced a rare astrological configuration called a Kite.

What is a Kite? A Kite aspect occurs when one planet sextiles two other planets that form a grand trine with the planet that opposes the first one. This particular kite featured a grand fire trine involving Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. A grand fire trine provides support for creativity, inspiration and impulsivity. The Sun in Libra directly opposed Uranus in Aries as well as the moon during this recent eclipse. A Kite represents a lot of energy stirring that is quite restless. The opposing planet is actually the backbone of the pattern because it feeds into all of the planets involved in the grand trine and the kite literally couldn't fly without it. On October 8th, Michael Lutin posted on his site:

"Thank God for Libra because right now the only thing to do is..."

He has a box on his site called EMBRACE THE EMPTINESS. When you click on it he describes the message of this lunar eclipse as finding balance when you don't want any. The bottom line is to find a balance between serving yourself and serving others. No easy feat, let me tell you!

What were the issues and themes of this Kite?  Uranus and the Moon in Aries provided us with the courage, insight and self-focus to break free of restraints and limitations while Jupiter in Leo served to expand our self-confidence and optimism. Mars in Sagittarius fueled the fires of conviction and belief in our worth while providing energy to take on new challenges. The Sun in Libra, as the only air sign in this configuration, provided us with a level of objectivity and a foundation for balance and harmony.

It's really important to look at where 15 degrees of Aries and Libra fall in your chart to fully comprehend how this eclipse has impacted your life. And don't forget that its effects will probably continue to manifest for another six months.

Personally, on the day of the lunar eclipse the Aries moon fell in the last degree of my sixth house. I have been getting an increase in my healing practice, so these skills can be embraced.  The Sun fell in my 12th house and I am trying to believe that can represent a completion of a karmic cycle and a letting go of all that I have outgrown. I am thrilled to report that the Sun entered my 1st house on October 9th, which was like an adrenaline rush with its infusion of energy. I have just survived the transits of the Sun in my 12th house and Saturn in Scorpio on my Sun. Neither one of these transits is particularly energizing. I am definitely ready to fly that kite!

Let's not forget the other two players in that Kite configuration.  Mars in 15 degrees of Sagittarius fell in my 3rd house of communication and I am literally bursting at the seams to spread the word about this Kite and the lunar eclipse. Jupiter in 15 degrees of Leo fell in my 10th house imbuing me with renewed optimism about the value of my work.

I think that relationships will continue to play out as the major theme of this eclipse. Venus in Libra was squaring Pluto in Capricorn on the eclipse, underscoring the issues of financial matters and evoking feelings of situations beyond our control. Saturn in Scorpio also conjuncted Ceres in 21 degrees of Scorpio, requiring us to be honest with ourselves about how we project our emotional energy and take responsibility for transforming it. This is especially relevant for me because I have my natal Ceres at 27 degrees of Scorpio conjunct my natal retrograde Venus in Scorpio in the 2nd house.

I hope that everyone found some hope and inspiration from this Kite during the recent lunar eclipse.

The emphasis on relationships continues as retrograde Mercury slips back into Libra on October 10th. Mercury stays in Libra until Libra until November 1st, digging up even more relationship stuff from the past.

If you are feeling confused during these challenging times and curious as to how the October eclipses (yes, folks we have a solar eclipse coming up on October 23rd in Scorpio), Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Chiron or the Black Moon Lilith are affecting you, please consider getting an astrological reading to obtain more insight and assistance in the healing process. I have also added a one question astrology reading to my list of services for $40 that is an even more intuitive approach based on your natal and progressed charts with transits to both.

Check out my services page on this site at:

To celebrate the spirit of Mars in Sagittarius, I am offering a special on my tarot readings.  Recently some of my clients have been requesting shorter, one or two question tarot readings over my general astrological spread which covers all the issues pertaining to the 12 houses of the horoscope. They want answers to specific answers, so I am offering one or two question telephone readings for $15 and $25. You can check out the details at:

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for my daily astrological insights at:

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