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Friday, November 7, 2014

Full Moon in Taurus--It's All About the Money

We are still under the influence of a full moon in 14 degrees of Taurus that occurred at 2:23 p.m. on November 6, 2014.  A full moon in Taurus has the potential for revealing secret attitudes about money, values and relationships. This particular full moon represents things that began at the time of the new moon in Scorpio on October 23rd, which was an extremely potent solar eclipse. Seeds were planted then but we may have more information now which can lead to a completely different attitude.

The last couple of times we had a Taurus full moon around 14 degrees occurred on November 11, 2011 at 18 degrees and on November 5, 2006 at 13 degrees. When I reflect on those times I recall feeling hurt by the actions of someone I trusted and cared about who made decisions affecting my life without any consideration or respect for my feelings. But this full moon in Taurus can bring karmic themes with others full circle. Perhaps it is time for me to balance those karmic scales once and for all.

Several other planets were featured heavily in this full moon. The full moon opposed Venus in Scorpio in addition to the Sun in Scorpio. And we all know that Scorpio rules the 8th house, which is other people's money. It also sextiled Chiron in Pisces, inspiring me to post these two tweets on November 6th:

"Taurus full moon sextiling Chiron in Pisces today symbolizes the pain and potential for healing and transformation."

"Taurus full moon opposing Venus in Scorpio puts the emphasis on relationships and seeds planted during October 23rd eclipse."

Uranus, Pluto and Mars were also key players in this full moon. Uranus and Pluto are moving closer to an exact square in December, but the Taurus full moon trined Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars and Pluto will form an exact conjunction on November 10th, which can bring violent confrontation. And Uranus in Aries will square Mars in Capricorn on November 12th, which brings the promise of more disruption and the need for change.

Mercury will be moving back into Scorpio on November 8th and will finally be out of its retrograde shadow on November 10th, which coincides with the Mars Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. So this will mark the beginning of a "safe" period to make decisions regarding relationships. Confrontation or collaboration? It's your call.  Be mindful of the potential for stubbornness and breakups because this full moon was in the fixed sign of Taurus, which is renowned for being stubborn as a bull. And I can tell you from personal experience how stubborn a Scorpio can be!

Molly Hall's weekly astrology article featured a section about the impact of the full moon falling in the 12 houses. I can attest to the fact that she nailed it for me with her description of it in the 8th house.   She said that the theme of this full moon could very well be about funding with strings attached if it occurs in your 8th house. This resonated big time for me because the Taurus full moon occurred in my 8th house opposing my Saturn in Scorpio at the end of my 1st house. Finances are a major concern for me as I continue to establish my business and build a practice. She wrote about the issues of selling one's soul for stability and the need for deep inner change around self-worth while releasing toxic situations and people. Make no bones about it, themes of disillusionment and the need for transformation abound. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio is currently conjunct my Venus in the 2nd house while transiting Venus in Scorpio was conjunct my Saturn at the beginning of the week. Financial stability is important to me but I also need the freedom to pursue my own path of transformation.

I came across a quote from Vedic reader Maharani Rutan on the Taurus full moon that I would like to share with you.

"The Taurus energy will give rise to the Phoenix out of the ashes."

I don't know about you, but I am intent on channeling that inner Phoenix! It's time to work on integrating stability and transformation into our lives. It is literally a fusion of opposites.

If you are feeling confused during these challenging times and curious as to how you can facilitate the process of transformation and healing for yourself during the Season of Scorpio, please consider getting an astrological reading to obtain more insight and assistance. I have also added a one question astrology reading to my list of services for $40 that is an even more intuitive approach based on your natal and progressed charts with transits to both.

Check out my services page on this site at:

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