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Friday, December 7, 2018

An Inspiring New Moon in Sagittarius and Chiron Direct

Mercury is now officially direct (YEAH) in Scorpio as of December 6, 2018, although we still have to wait until Christmas Eve before it clears its shadow.  But this is good news for the holiday season as we can feel the energy moving forward.

On December 7, 2018 we have a glorious new moon in 15 degrees of Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that is all about enthusiasm, optimism, exuberance, expansion and a desire to obtain more meaning in life in its quest for the truth.  It is perfect energy for holiday parties.  On December 6, 2018 the Sagittarius moon was exactly conjunct Jupiter in 6 degrees of Sagittarius and although the new moon is 9 degrees away from Jupiter, we will still be feeling its influence, inspiring me to tweet:
For the most part, this new moon will be very inspiring.  Some of us may experience a desire to travel and if we can’t do it physically, we may channel that travel urge by learning more about different cultures and exploring new ideas.  There is also a great deal of compassionate energy present with this new moon, which is perfect for kicking off the holiday season. Jupiter in Sagittarius is starting to form a square to Neptune in 13 degrees of Pisces, which can manifest in idealism and a desire for perfection but it does lack discrimination.  Jupiter and Neptune are definitely heavy hitters in this new moon.

The only potential fly in the ointment so to speak with this new moon is the fact that Mars and Neptune are conjunct in 13 degrees of Pisces.  This is definitely a higher vibration that is very conducive for creative and spiritual work.  However, we need to be mindful that the downside of this aspect is a tendency to over idealize people and situations, as well as a desire for escapism.  Addictions are more likely to be a problem with this aspect.  The fact that this aspect occurs in Pisces also can play out as acting in a passive aggressive manner. Mars and Neptune are also squaring the new moon in Sagittarius which ups the ante for deception and confusion to occur.  The best use of this energy is exercise some compassion, which is a strong Pisces trait.

This new moon falls at the beginning of my 3rd house opposing my Gemini moon in my 8th house.  I am certainly hoping that this new moon ushers in new means of communication and positive financial benefits.  But I know that I have to set some new intentions and make an effort.

We can take one more planet off the retrograde list on December 9, 2018 when Chiron stations direct in 27 degrees of Pisces.  Chiron has been retrograde since July 5, 2018 when it stationed retrograde in 2 degrees of Aries.  I think it would be fair to say that Chiron retrograde was a time of intense healing of old wounds, especially wounds regarding feelings of victimization for most people.  Healers, myself included, experienced a cathartic healing that can only occur when Chiron is retrograde.  Once Chiron is back in Aries on February 18, 2019 for the next seven years, the focus will be on healing identity issues. 

On December 9th, Mercury in Scorpio will also be trining Chiron in Pisces, which can bring about some deep, transformative communications that contribute to healing. I find it kind of ironic that both of these planets have recently stationed direct in water signs after starting their retrograde transits in fire signs. The healing pace can be accelerated on December 10, 2018 when the moon in Capricorn forms a supportive sextile to Chiron in Pisces.  So all of that internal healing should start manifesting on an external level on these two days as Chiron prepares to leave Pisces.  When Chiron enters Aries, a new generation that was born between 1968 and 1976 will begin experiencing their Chiron Return. 

If you are curious as to how all of these planetary changes will be affecting you, please consider getting an astrological reading.  I am also offering short telephone astrology consultations for 15 minutes or 30 minutes which are available for purchase on the Services Offered page of my site. These are extremely affordable at the cost of $25 or $35 and would make a great holiday gift. I even offer the option of tarot readings. There is something for everyone. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Twitter at:

A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice.

Recently I undertook an intensive life purpose coaching training program and became certified as a Life Purpose Coach.  It was an intense, eye-opening experience that changed my life as it caused me to reflect on the story of my life.  But I left it with feelings of hope and light for the future that I want to share with others.  To that end, I am now offering Life Purpose Coaching to my menu of services.  You can read more about it at:

As an astrologer, I have decided to include an interpretation of the north node by sign. If you are feeling stuck and need some help in getting from Point A to Point B in your quest for making positive changes in your life, please email me at to schedule a complementary telephone consultation to discover if you are a good fit for this program.  I look forward to hearing from you.

If you are in the Boston area, please consider getting a Reiki treatment at Acupuncture for Everyone in Copley Square to destress, revitalize and remove blockages to healing.  It’s a perfect way to start your weekend off and can also be described as a spa for the soul to boot!   Reiki is the most profound treatment for stress relief because it concentrates on CALMING your body.

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

For my clients who can’t fit Friday into their schedule for a treatment or have difficulty traveling, I have also recently begun doing distance Reiki sessions for them.  I have a conversation with them about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages.  I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205.  I am also offering Reiki treatments in the Coolidge Corner section of Brookline on Sunday afternoons.

But the big news is that I have created and launched a new website devoted exclusively to my Reiki practice. Please feel free to check it out at:

I was also featured in the July 3, 2017 edition of Boston Voyager, an online publication that runs a section called Inspiring Stories about local entrepreneurs on its home page.  The Scorpio moon was trining the Cancer sun and Neptune in Pisces on that day, so my story certainly debuted under fitting aspects.  Please feel free to check it out:

I have also revised my package deals and I am now offering two options for package deals: Silver and a Tarot special for my tarot clients. Please check it out at:

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for my daily astrological insights.

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