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Friday, December 14, 2018

Uranus in Aries is on a Consciousness Raising Trip

Uranus may still be retrograde in Aries, but it is definitely not spending its last days (it re-enters Taurus on March 6, 2019 for seven years) quietly.  In the cardinal fire sign of Aries, it is literally doing everything in its power to shake up our consciousness and blast us out of our mental, spiritual and emotional blockages.

On December 11, 2018 Mercury in Scorpio was inconjunct Uranus in Aries, inspiring me to tweet:
I don’t know about you, but I have been experiencing some especially vivid dreams lately.  And when I have these dreams Uranus is usually involved in some kind of aspect.  I had more of these dreams on December 8th when the Sagittarius moon trined Uranus in Aries.  On that day I tweeted:
People from my past, some that have been dead for a decade, have been cropping up in my dreams.  Part of me attributed that to the fact that my moon is in my 8th house of death and transformation. And I have come to realize that these people had a profound impact on my life and served as great teachers.  Sometimes those lessons were painful, but as the year comes to a close and I reflect on what has transpired in the past year and my journey, I realize that I am grateful for their contributions to my path of transformation.

Let’s face it, Uranus is on a mission to change us.  On December 15, 2018, Uranus in 28 degrees of Aries will be forming a challenging semi-square aspect (45 degrees apart) with Neptune in 13 degrees of Pisces.  This is the 4th time this aspect has occurred.  Previously it was exact on August 11, 2017, October 7, 2017 and June 6, 2018.  On June 6, 2018, Uranus was in 1 degree of Taurus. And it will be exact for the 5th and final time on May 1, 2019 with Uranus in 3 degrees of Taurus.  The theme of this semi-square aspect is to challenge us to overcome the mental (represented by Uranus) and emotional (represented by Neptune) blocks that have been limiting our advancement.  It can literally give us the inspiration to manifest some growth in our lives.

I was very inspired by astrologer Pam Younghans’ interpretation of this aspect in her weekly NorthPoint Journal.  She commented on how this aspect is a wake-up call to see how far we have progressed in the last 25 years since Uranus and Neptune were conjunct in 19 degrees of Capricorn. She explained that this conjunction back in the 1990’s ushered in some changes that woke us up and opened our hearts so that we could hopefully become more spiritually aware.  And how anyone with planets around 19 degrees in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel the effects of this aspect intensely.  Personally, I can check off this box.  The cusp of my 4th house is 19 degrees of Capricorn and my midheaven is in 19 degrees of Cancer. Pluto entered my 4th house in early 2018 and my life hasn’t been the same since.  Avoiding transformation is not an option for me.

We have two supportive sextiles involving Saturn and Pluto before another major Uranus aspect hits on December 20, 2018.  On December 16, 2018, Venus in 9 degrees of Scorpio sextiles Saturn in 9 degrees of Capricorn.  This can add more stability to relationships which may been pretty rocky for many people this year. On the following day, Mars in 20 degrees of Pisces sextiles Pluto in 20 degrees of Capricorn.  This aspect represents a true alignment of compassion and power so that we can achieve our soul’s desire.  Mars, Saturn and Pluto are usually associated with heaviness, so I say that we rejoice in the lift to our spirits that these sextiles provide.

On December 20, 2018, the sun in 28 degrees of Sagittarius trines Uranus in 28 degrees of Aries.  I have this aspect natally in my chart, and I can tell you that it makes one more comfortable in expressing their uniqueness. The sun trining Uranus will increase our intuition, bring fresh insight and encourage us to stretch out of our comfort zone and take more risks.  It bestows self-confidence about feeling different and unique.  It inspires us to wave that inner freak flag proudly.  Enjoy this energy and don’t waste the opportunity to expand your consciousness.

If you are curious as to how all of these planetary changes will be affecting you, please consider getting an astrological reading.  I am also offering short telephone astrology consultations for 15 minutes or 30 minutes which are available for purchase on the Services Offered page of my site. These are extremely affordable at the cost of $25 or $35 and would make a great holiday gift. An astrology reading is a very thoughtful gift for a loved one. I even offer the option of tarot readings. There is something for everyone. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Twitter at:

A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice.

Recently I undertook an intensive life purpose coaching training program and became certified as a Life Purpose Coach.  It was an intense, eye-opening experience that changed my life as it caused me to reflect on the story of my life.  But I left it with feelings of hope and light for the future that I want to share with others.  To that end, I am now offering Life Purpose Coaching to my menu of services.  You can read more about it at:

As an astrologer, I have decided to include an interpretation of the north node by sign. If you are feeling stuck and need some help in getting from Point A to Point B in your quest for making positive changes in your life, please email me at to schedule a complementary telephone consultation to discover if you are a good fit for this program.  I look forward to hearing from you.

If you are in the Boston area, please consider getting a Reiki treatment at Acupuncture for Everyone in Copley Square to destress, revitalize and remove blockages to healing.  It’s a perfect way to start your weekend off and can also be described as a spa for the soul to boot!   Reiki is the most profound treatment for stress relief because it concentrates on CALMING your body.

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:

For my clients who can’t fit Friday into their schedule for a treatment or have difficulty traveling, I have also recently begun doing distance Reiki sessions for them.  I have a conversation with them about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages.  I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205.  I am also offering Reiki treatments in the Coolidge Corner section of Brookline on Sunday afternoons.

But the big news is that I have created and launched a new website devoted exclusively to my Reiki practice. Please feel free to check it out at:

I was also featured in the July 3, 2017 edition of Boston Voyager, an online publication that runs a section called Inspiring Stories about local entrepreneurs on its home page.  The Scorpio moon was trining the Cancer sun and Neptune in Pisces on that day, so my story certainly debuted under fitting aspects.  Please feel free to check it out:

I have also revised my package deals and I am now offering two options for package deals: Silver and a Tarot special for my tarot clients. Please check it out at:

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for my daily astrological insights.

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