name='keywords'/> Dance of the Phoenix: Mars and Uranus Meet Up, Pluto Goes Retrograde and Venus and Neptune Square Off

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Friday, April 28, 2023

Mars and Uranus Meet Up, Pluto Goes Retrograde and Venus and Neptune Square Off


We are in that weird, somewhat uncomfortable space that is the week between eclipses.  On April 20, 2023, we had a potent Solar Eclipse in 29 degrees of Aries, the second New Moon in Aries of this year.  The effects of that eclipse are still being felt: both Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Don Lemon of CNN were released from their respective networks on April 24 and Harry Belafonte died on April 25.  Who says that eclipses don't bring dramatic endings so that new beginnings can happen? The next eclipse occurs on May 5 in 14 degrees of Scorpio, and it promises to be a highly emotional Lunar Eclipse.

On April 29, Mars in Cancer is forming a supportive sextile to Uranus in 18 degrees of Taurus.  I personally love sextile aspects because they present as opportunities.  Mars is the planet associated with action and getting your desires met, but Mars is not all that comfortable in the sign of Cancer.  It is considered to be in fall and tends to be more timid or passive-aggressive in Cancer.  Uranus is not all that comfortable in Taurus, either, but it has been in Taurus since 2018 and has been acting out by quite literally blowing up the earth and shaking up our financial systems.  When Mars in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus are sextile on April 29, there will be opportunities for growth and productivity.  Fun and excitement are possible, as new people and situations could come into our lives.  Uranus will enlighten us and reveal something to us.  However, we need to be mindful of the fact that Uranus in Taurus will change our circumstances in a way that feels like the rug is being pulled out from under us, pushing Mars in Cancer to find the courage to pursue our desires.  The Moon enters Virgo about an hour before the sextile occurs and forms an irritating inconjunct to Pluto in Aquarius.  We all know that inconjuncts demand that some kind of adjustment be made.  The Virgo Moon inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius will require some kind of psychological adjustment and if you are currently experiencing any health issues, I encourage you to get them checked out at this time.  More could be revealed by the time of the Lunar Eclipse on May 5.

I am trying to be hopeful about this upcoming sextile because it does heavily influence my natal chart.  Mars in Cancer will be conjunct my Cancer Midheaven and Uranus in Taurus is opposing my Sun in Scorpio. Both of these aspects have a one-degree orb with my Midheaven and Sun.  I have had transiting Uranus opposing my Sun since June 2022 and it will be exact in mid-May 2023.  I wouldn't call it a fun transit, but it is forcing me to accept the challenges that it is presenting and I am trying to go with the flow, which is often easier said than done.  I am trying to rely on Mars in Cancer trining my Sun in Scorpio to supply the courage to move forward, as we all must these days.  If you have any planets around 18 degrees of the cardinal or fixed signs, I can tell you that you will feel the effects of this aspect and I encourage you to make the most of it.  Just be very grateful that Mars and Uranus are not squaring or opposing each other, because that can generate quite a bit of tension and upheaval.

On May 1, Pluto stations retrograde in 0 degrees of Aquarius.  This means that Pluto will slip back into Capricorn on June 11, 2023.  Pluto will remain retrograde until October 10, when it stations direct in 27 degrees of Capricorn.  Pluto doesn't get back into Aquarius until January 20, 2024 but it only stays in Aquarius until September 1, 2024.  It has one more trip into Capricorn until it re-enters Aquarius on November 19, 2024 to stay until March 8, 2043.

Pluto retrogrades every year, but it will be a little different this year because it is straddling the two signs of Aquarius and Capricorn.  Pluto retrograde represents a time of reckoning so that we can focus on our own personal shadow side: our unpleasant qualities, including our need for control and power.  It is when we should be purging our resentments and letting go is a key theme.  This can definitely involve releasing people from our lives.  I am not flat-out predicting deaths and major break-ups but they could happen, so be prepared...

We have one more aspect prior to the Lunar Eclipse on May 5 that could have a major impact on love and finances.  On May 4,  Venus in Gemini is exactly squaring Neptune in 26 degrees in Pisces.  Our insecurities about our self and our appearance could surface.  It will be very easy to get taken advantage of, be disappointed and we will be prone to a lack of self-esteem and self-discipline.  All I can tell you is not to get seduced by romantic ideas because the rose-colored glasses are out in full force.  There is one perk with this aspect, though--if you are a creative type, you just might be on the receiving end of some major inspiration.

If you are curious about how all of these planetary changes will be affecting you personally, please consider getting an astrological reading. These are very challenging and unique times; an astrological reading could provide some much-needed clarity and guidance.  An astrology reading makes a very thoughtful gift. As an astrologer and a healer, I am delighted to be able to include a Health and Wellbeing Report that provides a focus on health-related matters in the natal chart and offers nutritional advice and stress management tips.  Who couldn’t use that these days?

Recently I did a chart reading for an infant born in March.  The grandmother loved it and it got me thinking that this might be a thoughtful Mother's Day gift.  So if you know someone who has recently given birth and would like some insight into their child, please consider purchasing a reading.  I haven't added it to my regular menu yet, but if you are interested, I charge $50.  Please feel free to contact me by email at

Check out my menu of services at:

I am also offering private astrology lessons by telephone or video, such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about astrology.

I have been doing more work with tarot readings, which I love, so I decided to create a combination reading which offers the option of a 30-minute astrology consultation with a one-question tarot reading for only $50. There is something for everyone and my menu of services can accommodate any budgetI also have a one-question tarot reading for only $15. 

My site also offers the opportunity to provide a donation in the amount of your choice to demonstrate your support for my blog and daily astrological insights on Twitter at:


A contribution in any amount is deeply appreciated as gratitude is a daily part of my spiritual practice. If you prefer to send a donation through Venmo or pay for a reading through Venmo, my handle is Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7.  Or you can send a contribution using Zelle and my phone number 617-304-2205.


Additionally, I am available for tarot readings by telephone.  I use the Celestial Tarot Deck, which I love because it contains so many astrological symbols.  A tarot reading is another great option for obtaining insight and clarity. I offer a 24-card tarot card reading for $50 which incorporates the twelve houses of the horoscope.

I am still experiencing technical difficulties with the Buy Now buttons on the Services Offered page of my site.  In the meantime, please feel free to send payments through PayPal to my email at Just let me know which type of reading you want with your birth date info.  Or you can send a payment to my Venmo account at Linda Simons @Linda-Simons-7 or Zelle using my phone number 617-304-2205.

In 2020, I added a Monthly Horoscopes section to my website. May horoscopes are up now and I now have a link to my monthly forecasts at Horoscope Junkie.  Check it out at:

I have also joined Facebook.  I don’t post as frequently as on Twitter, but I am on Facebook now at

For more information on my Reiki services, please see this page on my site:


The coronavirus outbreak caused me to increase the number of distant Reiki sessions I do because people were concerned about the spread of the infection. I have decided to suspend my in-person Reiki sessions until further notice in order to practice social distancing. I no longer have my Brookline office, so all of my Reiki sessions will be distant Reiki sessions for the foreseeable future. But a distant Reiki session is the perfect opportunity to safely build up your immune system and if you have contracted coronavirus, you can be treated safely from the comfort of your home. My procedure is to have a conversation with a client about what they hope to achieve from a session, we set up a time for the session to take place when they will be in a state to receive healing energy and I follow up with a telephone conversation to discuss their experience and my perception of their blockages. I do miss seeing my clients, so I am now offering Zoom consultations/intakes before the session so that we can see each other. I have also incorporated a new technique with my distance Reiki treatments since I don’t always have a photo of my client.  I use a teddy bear so that I can scan and focus the healing energy where it is needed. If this appeals to you, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 617-304-2205. The cost for distance Reiki sessions is based on a sliding scale of $30 -$50. For your convenience, I accept Venmo and Zelle for payment. Zelle payments can be sent using my telephone number

617-304-2205. I have also written an article about distance Reiki, which is available at:


If you are interested in learning more about how Reiki can benefit you, please feel free to check out my Reiki site at:


Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for my daily astrological insights.


I urge everyone to engage in massive amounts of self-care and follow the protective measures of washing your hands frequently, maintaining social distancing, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, wearing a face mask when necessary and staying home if you are sick. And get a vaccine.  If you are eligible for a booster shot, get it. I repeat, you do not want to get this virus! I speak from personal experience and consider myself very fortunate to have survived Coronavirus twice. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! 



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