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Friday, January 16, 2015

Shifting Gears into the Sign of Aquarius and Getting Unstuck in Spite of Mercury Retrograde

Brace yourself, folks. The Sun is about to move into the sign of Aquarius on January 20th and we have a New Moon to boot on that day. The holidays are officially over and we are dealing with the winter doldrums, a general feeling of a letdown and being stuck. It's been pretty cold on the east coast, but I have no doubt that the sun and moon hooking up in Aquarius will provide some impetus to get us moving and unstuck. I am personally thrilled that this new moon is actually playing nice with Saturn. Saturn in Sagittarius is sextiling both the sun and moon, so it supports our ambitions. A new moon in Aquarius is about new beginnings and Saturn supporting it adds strength and endurance. Do your research for new projects and you will be rewarded.  Aquarius is literally a breath of fresh air and all about expanding consciousness and thinking outside of the box.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mercury is preparing to station retrograde at 17 degrees of Aquarius on January 21st until February 11th. But those of who believe in the theory of the shadow of Mercury retrograde (and I am definitely a card carrying member of that club) know that the shadow period began on January 6th and won't be complete until March 4th. What does this mean for all of us? Nothing is set in stone so be prepared for things to change. Try not to sign anything if you can help it and by all means read the fine print. Don't count on anything being settled until March 4th to be on the safe side. Use this time to review and reflect before making any life-changing decisions.  Remember the letters RE in retrograde! Research comes under that heading.

I have to announce that one very progressive Aquarian thing happened to me last week just after Mercury in Aquarius entered the shadow period. One of my Reiki clients informed me that her employer approved her claim for flexible spending reimbursement for her Reiki treatments. How cool is that? I love that alternative forms of healing are finally getting the recognition, acknowledgement, respect and approval that they deserve.

On January 21st we also have Uranus in Aries conjuncting the south node of the moon and opposing the north node. This is bound to bring up stuff from the past to propel us forward on our soul's path by giving us a new perspective. And the added bonus is that the moon is still in the sign of Aquarius on that day!

While we will have the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, we are also dealing with Mars in Pisces. We have just survived a Mars Saturn square on January 15th and we should be getting acclimated to the energy of Mars in Pisces. How does Mars in Pisces manifest? Well, Mars in Pisces is undoubtedly the most impressionable sign for Mars to be in. Mars will conjunct Neptune in Pisces on January 19th, and while this may not be the most favorable time for achieving ego directed goals, it does smile on spiritual endeavors. Mars in Pisces is in a mutable sign, so it helps us adapt to fluid realities. We just need to be careful not to fall prey to blurring the boundaries of the self, especially with Neptune and Chiron also in Pisces. The bottom line is that we need to learn how to have a peaceful, productive coexistence with the air sign of Aquarius and water sign of Pisces. 

Before we know it, both Venus and the Sun will be in Pisces as well.  Venus enters Pisces, where it is exalted, on January 30th and the Sun follows suit on February 18th.  Mercury joins them on March 12th.   I can attest to the fact that while it may be challenging sometimes to achieve a peaceful coexistence with water and air signs, it can happen. I have a Scorpio Sun, Black Moon Lilith, Pallas Athena, Saturn and Venus in addition to a Cancer south node, midheaven and Jupiter and Uranus in Cancer.  I have a Libra ascendant, Neptune in Libra, Mars in Aquarius and Moon in Gemini.  I have learned how to integrate these diverse energies, and I think that everyone can benefit from air’s mental gifts and water’s emotional bounty.

If you are feeling confused during these challenging times, please consider getting an astrological reading to obtain more insight and assistance. I have also added a one question astrology reading to my list of services for $40 that is an even more intuitive approach based on your natal and progressed charts with transits to both.

Check out my services page on this site at:

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