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Friday, May 22, 2015

The Sun Joins the Gemini Party with Mars and Mercury Retrograde

Despite my optimism last week about the Taurus New Moon on May 18th, in all honesty, I have to confess that Mercury stationing retrograde in 13 degrees of Gemini trumped the Taurus New Moon.  In fact, I was so shaken up by it that on May 19th I tweeted:

“Did anyone else feel like yesterday was a full moon and NOT a new moon?  Or was it just Mercury retrograde?”

I personally felt very uptight, jittery and ready for conflict that day, and my tweet the following day seemed to strike a chord because it generated quite a few favorites and retweets.   This led me to believe that I was not the only person feeling this way.  Mercury in Gemini stationed on my moon in the 8th house, so perhaps I should have been better prepared.  The 8th house does pertain to joint finances and other people’s money in addition to transformation, sex and death, and for me it played out in the financial arena.  I faced delays in receiving funds that were owed to me.  The real clincher occurred when I receive an email from my former landlord asking me if I wanted to forfeit my key deposit because they didn’t have a forwarding address for me.  Well, I had emailed them at the end of March with my new address, so I was pretty riled up about that and responded that I definitely wanted my refund.  Who wants to forfeit money that is owed them???  Only during a Mercury retrograde could something like this happen!

I loved what astrologer Kristin Fontana said about Mercury retrograde in Gemini this week.  She described Mercury retrograde in Gemini with Mars also in Gemini as being “mental madness at the moment.”

The icing on the cake happened on May 21st when the Sun entered Gemini and joined the Gemini party.  The pace will be frenzied and we are bound to be guilty of overthinking.  Our minds are literally on overload. We also had Jupiter in Leo inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn in 15 degrees, which probably required a lot of adjustments.  And Pluto also opposed Venus in Cancer, which added a little obsession to the relationship mix.  The bottom line is that you don’t have to be a Gemini to be feeling all of this craziness or mental madness, as Kristin Fontana brilliantly described it.

On May 22nd, we have that much anticipated/dreaded aspect, the Sun’s annual opposition to Saturn.  Saturn is in Sagittarius now, folks, but is due to make a brief foray back into Scorpio in mid-June through mid-September to revisit any unfinished business in those areas of life.  But this week we are dealing with typical Sun Saturn issues: slowdowns due to limitations and obstacles, delays and clashes with authority figures.  We need to be patient and have faith, which doesn’t come naturally for most of us, let’s face it.  It doesn’t for me, anyway.  I have a natal Sun/Saturn conjunction, so I am all too familiar with those themes. They are the stuff of my life.  I may have heard the words the “check is in the mail”, but I’m not believing it until it is actually in my hands!

However, Gemini is known for its optimism, so I’d like to add that on May 24th Mars in Gemini will be trining the north node in 8 degrees of Libra, so there is potential for energizing discussions that move us forward on our soul’s path.  Perhaps that will help us keep the faith during this Mercury retrograde.  On May 25th, Memorial Day in the United States, Uranus in Aries will be squaring Venus in Cancer and that in itself can serve as a catalyst for liberation.  Uranus is currently transiting my 7th house and Venus will conjunct my midheaven that day, so it could be quite interesting.  But Mars in Gemini will be squaring Neptune in Pisces, so don’t get too carried away that day.  I know, it’s a holiday, but we need to guard against acting against our best interests.  I’ll leave it to you to set your own boundaries…

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

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