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Friday, May 30, 2014

Gemini New Moon with Venus and Mercury on the Move

The new moon in 7 degrees of Gemini on May 28th was the astrological focal point of the week for most of us.  In many ways, it was a very complicated new moon that had ties to the legendary Venus transit of 2012 which culminated with Venus resuming direct motion on June 28, 2012 in 7 degrees of Gemini.  The theme of that extended Venus transit two years ago was creative transformation.  I don’t know about you, but I am facing some of the same issues that I faced two years ago with that transit.  I am still trying to reinvent myself and dealing with some painful emotional issues and wounds that need to be healed.  Michael Lutin sagely pointed out that in his weekly message of May 26, 2014 that a direct Mars in Libra was reawakening not only the Venus transit of 2012 but also the major conjunction of Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Libra in the early 1980’s.  Mars in Libra was also trining that sun and moon this week.

A really big piece of this new moon was the fact that both the sun and moon squared Neptune.  It inspired me to tweet on the 28th that “New Moon in Gemini squaring Neptune.  Escapist urges best satisfied thru meditation to let information flow.”  The themes of this new moon were rife with dispelling mental trances while not setting anything in stone, deception, illusion, new perspectives, multi-tasking (that ubiquitous word that permeates our lives), mental rebooting, an impulse to learn new things, swift and exciting changes and having fun by attending a light soiree.  I confess that I meditated earlier in the day alone and attended a customer appreciation reception for a local shop that was being sold as the owners prepared to move to California. Yes, the wine and hors d’oeuvres were delicious, the resident dog was adorable and we got first crack at the discounts on the merchandise in the store two days before the general public.

Venus changed signs on May 28th and moved into Taurus, where it is infinitely more comfortable than in the sometimes impetuous sign of Aries.  Venus rules Taurus and Libra, two signs that are noted for their love of the good life.  On May 29th I tweeted that “Venus is now in pleasure loving Taurus and we should feel free to indulge ourselves.  Seek out security in finances and relationships.”
Mercury figured prominently in this new moon as well. Mercury in Gemini sextiled Venus in Aries on the 28th, before they both changed signs and that was definitely a boost to communication in relationships.

Mercury entered the shadow period of its upcoming retrograde on May 23rd at 24 degrees of Gemini.  The Venus transit of 2012 featured Venus stationing retrograde at 23 degrees of Gemini on May 16, 2012.  So we are definitely not done with the theme of creative transformation by a long shot.  Mercury entered the emotional water sign of Cancer on May 29th and it will remain in Cancer until June 16th.  Mercury’s entry into Cancer prompted me to tweet “Prepare for communication to become more emotional today as Mercury enters Cancer, where it retrogrades on June 7th. “Mercury officially goes retrograde in 3 degrees of Cancer on June 7th, retrogrades into Gemini, resumes direct motion in 24 degrees of Gemini on July 1st and finally leaves the shadow when it hits 3 degrees of Cancer on July 16th.  The 29th was an energetic day for me as it was my monthly lunar return with that Gemini moon in my 8th house spurring my intuition as I did my Reiki work in the clinic.  I was also blessed with Jupiter entering my 10th house that day.  In addition to working with some Reiki clients, I also got news this week that I would be able to list my services a Reiki practitioner on the Reiki Rays website.  You can find it at:

The moon enters the sign of Cancer at 10:13 a.m. on May 30th and it will conjunct Mercury and trine Neptune in Pisces.  Enjoy that water energy this weekend!

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